Giving birth is a powerful experience that leaves a lasting impression on a mother. Four women tell their birth stories.
Hima Zainal, 35, from Zürich, 3 boys (2,8 & 11)
Hima Zainal had only been living in Switzerland for a few months when she became pregnant for the first time. Someone else accompanied her to her three births each time. The last time, no one did.
Tanya Broggini, 44, from Zürich, a son (8) and a daughter (3)
After a difficult first birth in hospital, Tanya Broggini decides that she wants to give birth to her second child at home - all by herself.
Sarah Pfäffli, 41, from Bern, two boys (8 und 6)
Sarah Pfäffli gave birth twice in the hospital and is glad that everything went well. However, today she would still stand up for herself more and tolerate less.
Melanie Bossard, 32, from Lenzburg, a daughter (3)
Epidural, Cesarean section, pain. The birth of her daughter traumatised Melanie Bossard more than she initially wanted to admit. Meanwhile, the wounds have healed.